Hadassah Continues to Advocate for Choice Nationwide

May 13, 2024

Hadassah Continues to Advocate for Choice Nationwide

This National Women’s Health Week, one issue on many women’s minds is choice. For Hadassah, access to and resources for care across the entire reproductive cycle — including birth control, fertility care, reproductive choice and maternal and postpartum healthcare — are inextricably linked and essential to the overall health of women everywhere.

In the wake of the Dobbs decision, reproductive choice restrictions are now in place in 21 states, and additional restrictions on contraception and fertility care are being proposed by state legislatures. Since then, Hadassah members have worked tirelessly at every level of government to advance choice protections. This year, at least 10 states are preparing to put choice directly on the ballot on election day in 2024, and Hadassah members are mobilizing in their communities to support and protect reproductive freedom.  

Choice in the Courts

Several critical choice cases have been heard by courts at the state and federal levels in recent months.

At the federal level, the US Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in the case of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, which challenges the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, an abortion-inducing medication. It also heard arguments in the case of US v. Idaho, which challenges the constitutionality of Idaho’s extreme abortion ban in light of emergency care requirements under federal law. Fundamentally, the key question in the case is whether states can force doctors to turn away patients suffering from emergency pregnancy complications. Hadassah joined amicus briefs in both of these important cases. The Supreme Court is expected to issue its decisions before the end of June. Learn more about what is at stake here.

In April, the Iowa Supreme Court heard oral arguments to decide if a law passed by the Iowa legislature last year banning abortion after six weeks is enforceable under the state constitution.

In April, Arizona’s Supreme Court ruled that an old 1864 abortion ban was enforceable. Weeks later, the Arizona State Legislature voted to repeal the law. However, the fight is not over yet. The vote clears the way for reinstatement of the state’s 15-week abortion ban, a problematic law that does not include exceptions for rape or incest.

State Ballot Initiatives

Reproductive freedom is already guaranteed to be on the ballot in three states in November; Florida, Maryland and New York will have ballot measures seeking to enshrine choice protections in their state constitutions.

Hadassah members gathered signatures to guarantee that the right to an abortion before fetal viability under the Florida State Constitution will be on the ballot in November. Under state law, the ballot must be approved by 60 percent of Florida voters to pass. This is an especially crucial measure because the Florida Supreme Court recently voted to enforce a six-week ban on choice. Act now to protect reproductive rights in Florida!

In Maryland, the Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment would enshrine choice in the state constitution. Join Hadassah advocates and act now to protect reproductive rights in Maryland!

In New York, an amendment to New York’s Bill of Rights, the New York Equal Protection of Law Amendment, has been added to the ballot. This critical measure, among other protections, would ensure that no one can be discriminated against because of pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes and reproductive healthcare and autonomy. The language of the constitutional amendment does not mention abortion specifically. Abortion is allowed by New York law until viability. Commit to voting yes on this measure here!

Advocates in eight more states — Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada and South Dakota — are working to gather enough signatures to add measures expanding or enshrining reproductive freedom into the state constitutions. In Nebraska, dueling measures are working to gather enough signatures to appear on the ballot.

Several states are also considering measures to restrict abortion. In Missouri, legislators are considering one bill that would amend the state constitution to explicitly state that abortion is not protected and another that would establish that personhood begins at fertilization. In Pennsylvania, legislators are also considering a bill that amends the state constitution to state that there is no right to public funding for abortion or any other right to abortion. Learn how you can take action here!

Advocating for Reproductive Health in Congress  

Hadassah has been advocating for reproductive health and rights legislation at the federal level as well, including several bills to raise awareness about infertility and expand and protect infertility treatment.

The bipartisan Access to Family Building Act would provide federal protection to ensure that patients have the right to access assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Urge Congress to support access to infertility treatment today!

The Hadassah-backed bipartisan House resolution (H. Res. 345) raises awareness about infertility and the need for expanded research and treatment. Urge your legislators to support this legislation today!The Access to Infertility Treatment and Care Act would require more health insurers to provide coverage for infertility treatment as well as fertility preservation services for individuals who undergo medically necessary procedures that may cause infertility.

What You Can Do

Visit Hadassah for Choice and see what is on the ballot in your state!

Visit the National Action Center and urge Congress to support actions on infertility, maternal health care, birth control and more.  

National Women’s Health Week 2024

Read More

Hadassah Signs Amicus Briefs in Two Reproductive Rights Cases

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